Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is my 1st draft ^^

Three steps for being happy

EIT 200702724

Hyunmin Lee


Everyone says that they want to be happy. Whenever I hear this, I come up with one question. That is "aren't they happy now?" That's hard to understand. Because some of them look have everything like money, career success which is so-called important factors of happiness. If those factors don't work, what are the factors that really make people happy? Actually, there are so many factors, but this time I choose three of them that I consider as the most important one. Especially these factors are changeable one up to our effort. So, if you want to be happy, what you have to do is trying to control those factors. Here are three steps.


First step is managing your relationship. Relationship with family and friend is significant, because we spend most of time with them. If you feel uncomfortable with them, you may get lots of stress every day. Moreover, bad relationship with them reduces the chance to release stress. We usually release the stress as talking about that with family or friends. But if our relationship with them is not good, we will accumulate lots of stress without releasing them. In this situation, we may think we are lonely and unhappy. So, in order to be happy, we should learn how to manage the relationship well.


Next step is keeping your body healthy. Health is vital factor for happiness. If we are sick, we don't feel good. And, that makes us unhappy. In addition, although you are rich, you can't spend your money with unhealthy condition. You can't enjoy your life, either. In this reason, you should keep your eye on health problem.


Final step is thinking positively. Try to thank you for everything that surrounds you. And try to be satisfied with them. Some years ago, I've read article about the ranking of the world happiness rate. Surprisingly, that research revealed that the highest happiness rate showed from Bangladeshi. Bangladesh is small and poor country. It looked that they don't have material factors for happiness. Then what made them happy? Bangladeshi said that even though they are not rich, they are satisfied with what they have and what they face every day. In that answer, I could find the fact that they got happiness from their positive thinking. Like them, try to look on the bright side and be contented with everything. Then, you must be happy.


All of us want to be happy. But we usually think that is hard. Do you why? That's because we focus on external factors like fancy house and nice car. However, happiness is truly the matter of mind. As you control your mind, you can surely be happy. Try to think positively, and find the contentment from good relationship and healthy body. That might be the answer for happiness,


Journey to Happiness

Song Minhee (200804046)                            

Professor Jon

English Writing  

1 July 2010

Journey to Happiness


             If someone asks you to grade your happiness index, how many points will you give to yourself concerning happiness? If you did, what are your standards on happiness? I know it's hard to grade about invisible, emotional thing. Then why don't you make your own touchstones? Today, I will show you my touchstones on happiness through my experience, which would be talking point. My happiness absolutely exist along with my own three canons; identity, responsibility, gratitude.


             In your life, at least once, you including me may ask your self who I am. I didn't realize why such a question is so famous all over the world until 2007 when is my most meaningful year. Even though I slipped to enter a university, I believed myself to handle everything under the any circumstances. It may be so, but I felt weird to live a little bit different life from friends. I've lived for 19years with belonging to somewhere such as primary school, middle school, high school like any other friends. After graduate high school, however, I belong to no where overnight. Looking back on it now, I slightly suffered from depression for a while because of stress from different life. And finally I found out who I am. The answer was I'm just a normal 20 years old girl as well as I'm thirsty for knowledge strongly. I was so happy to know what I want, what I want to be, and what I should do. Making identity clear is the first way to happiness.


             As you know, a university forces us to be adults whether we are ready to be or not. All things around us depend on our performances from deciding something to managing time. We don't have any place to get back. That's why we have to face any challenges. Regardless of results, we should take them themselves. I'm saying the more important thing is doing something with responsibility. When I worked at espresso bar, I felt pressures to manage the bar. But the reason I did great job is my responsibility. It was my responsibility that got over the burden. From now on, if you do something, you'd better have a great sense of responsibility. Then, without reference to its result, you deserve to feel happiness.


             In your daily life, how many times do you express your gratitude a day? I think the person who can't say 'thank you' is the unhappiest in the world. There are a huge number of persons who help you day to day taking one with another. For instance, when you say hello or give thanks to bus driver, he will probably spend his day in happiness. And there are another large number of persons who want to live like you. In some ways, we have privileges that we are here to study English with the well-educated native professor in freezing spacious room in hot summer. In other words, the happiness extremely ordinary things bring you might give others a special feeling. Give thanks for everything.


             What do you think of my three standards? Did I argue about too trivial matters? Because I think the happiness is just one thing out of our whole life. Even though I mentioned only three things which make me happy: identity, responsibility, gratitude, you could add more. Creating happiness is conditional on how you do. And we may keep travel to happiness as we did during last thousands years     


1st Draft

Assignment 2

200401110 Sangseek Min

30. June. 2010

A Dangerous Temptation, i'm lovin' it 


 I like watching documentaries. And I remember seeing a lot of really good documentaries. Especially Super Size Me. It is a American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock. The contents of the film are as follows. Spurlock eats only McDonald's food. It shows us how it effects on man's physical and psychological factors. And it tries to warn us about something going on fast-food. After seeing Super Size Me, I became aware of dangers of fast-food.


 Mc Donald's founder Ray Kroc said "look after the customer and the business will take care of itself". Mc Donald is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast-food restaurants. Mc Donald are found in 119 countries. And it serve nearly 47 million customers everyday. Mc Donald has over 31,000 worldwide chains. Therefore South Korea also is not an exception country of eating Mc Donald. Mc Donald is South Korea`s second largest fast-food chain. So, sometimes I go to Mc Donald to eat the hamburger. Furthermore I enjoy eating its french fries.


 Mc Donald is the target of criticism. In some countries, people have boycotted Mc Donald because it harms the health of people and destroys the environment. Though I also know it is bad for my health, I usually eat it. Then, why do people eat Mc Donald's hamburger in spite of its risks? That's why Mc Donald stimulates us into eating through the provocative advertising and strategic business ability. Besides Mc Donald's slogan i'm lovin' it and a mascot Ronald are very dangerous for children. Because they are very friendly to children, they lure children to eat a hamburger.


 Despite the globalization of fast-food especially Mc Donald, we know how to respond it. Lotteria is South Korea`s first largest fast-food chain because It has a lot of localization menus. And it also serves a variety of healthy menus. For example, a rice burger, a kimchi burger and a Korean native beef burger and so on. Also, there is a country which is unable to meet Mc Donald. That is Iran because the country don't like the United States. But paradoxically, Iran people really like hamburgers. Moreover, Iran has their own hamburger chains. Iran`s first largest fast-food chain is Super Star, and second is Aladdin. When I stayed in Iran, I often went to Aladdin fast-food chain which has a special healthy menu. Amazingly, it is a fish berger.


 I really oppose the growth of fast-food chains around the world. But it is an inevitable assignment for today. So many countries are adopting fast-foods in their own way. South Korea is an exemplary model for it. In conclusion, I repeat that it is a better way for fast-food chains to localize the hamburger and make the fast-food more health.

This is my first draft.

Assignment 2
Name : Jung Jaehoon
Date : 30. 06. 10

Do Not Force Us to Vote


         You might hear about why we have to vote in our society, but I am sure that you have experienced that there is nobody who you want to vote. Therefore, you might have heard about North Korea which every people should have to vote when national election. Also, I live in South Korea, and sometimes I do not vote when there is no good person to vote. However, some people should vote in their countries, because if they did not vote, they would have almost 50 dollars fine. On the other hand, I do not think that voting in national elections is mandatory.


         At first, if vote rates were so high, people could think our society’s health of democracy is good. In fact, to our lower vote rate, we always worry about crisis of democracy. As you know, vote is one of the democracy’s flowers, and this is the reason why some countries force to vote. However, I think our freedom to vote is as important as vote. According to the Constitution, it gives us the freedom to vote. Nevertheless, some countries oblige their people to vote for the high vote rate, it is against the Constitution.


         Furthermore, forcing to vote is same as autocracy, because, there is no choice not to vote. We live in freedom countries now, and they give us that live freely. Even, our country does not do anything for us, they secure us freedom to speak, to think and to assemble. Then, if we did not want to vote, anything could not stop us. Since, there is a freedom not to vote. If someone compelled us to vote, it would be invasion of our freedom.


         In addition, there is no good politician for us to want to vote. Have you ever asked to your friends about a good politician? In my opinion, that question is really hard to answer, because there is no such a good politician to vote. Whereas, we should vote, lot of people does not want to vote, because there is not a good politician.


         As a result, nobody can oblige us to vote. Firstly, the Constitution does not compel us to vote, also it gives us choice to vote or not. Then, autocracy always wants to force their people to do something, but we live in democracy society. Whether to vote or not, we have the right to make a decision. In addition, nowadays politician cannot catch our fancy to vote to. To conclude, voting mandatory is not necessary in our society, it just depend on people.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

200901747 Shin Myungchul First Draft.

200901747 Shin Myungchul First Draft.


A Guide to Happiness

200901747 Shin Myungchul


First Draft

Happiness, actually, is everywhere. But each person finds it in different places, places that


never know it could be. For me, I find my happiness internally. I think happiness is inside me,


so there is no reason to find it elsewhere. But of course there are some people, who's in a


deep despair, claims that no happiness is left for them, and I feel great pity for them. What


they just have to know is happiness is a thing like air. It never runs out. One never know that


it is all around, but if take a closer look, it can be easily found. Finding Happiness is very


important. If one realises that they have happiness, their life will be much easier and peaceful.


Physical health is very important for happiness. Since person's main power is healthiness,


having a good physical condition is crucial for happiness. Money, power, and all the cause of


happiness will be worthless if a person has not good health. As there is old saying : A sound


mind in a sound body, keeping good condition should always be a top priority and other


things subordinate.


Emotional condition, as well as physical condition, is also important. Depressed thought


cannot derive happiness at all. Flaws in mental well being can produce some dire results such


as depression, lack of vitality and even tragic suicide. Having optimism is very important.


Someone who keeps thinking in a hopeful way has no option but to succeed.


Finally, last but not least, psychological condition can also be a main cause of happiness.


One example is love. Person who is in deep love can make a promising power of being happy.


Also, keeping faith in religion can also tell that they are happy. Being totally into something


can make person focuses on that, and can empty the room for hopelessness to come in.


To summarise, none of the three factors above can be excluded to real happiness. A trio of


physical health, emotional health and psychological health is crucial for finding happiness. In


order to keep all these things at once, one should concentrate on these things, not material and


earthly things such as fortune or properties. Having all of these can obviously lead one to the


world full of happiness.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

2nd Draft - Joontae Kim

 Joontae Kim

Assignment No.1 6.23


                                     How Would You Prepare for a Part in a Play?


            Have you ever dreamt of becoming another person? I have for countless times to escape my current situation, to picture what my future will be like, and others. I, however, believe that the most effective way to do so is by taking a part in a play. At first, it might seem like a mission impossible because it requires a lot of work but there is no need to worry. You will be able to give a great performance just by following these three steps: read the script thoroughly, be in a character, and rehearse as many times as possible.


             I have a friend who performs in small theaters located on Daehakro. Whenever he is in a play, he sends me a few tickets so that my friend and I can come and watch his act. Most of the times, the play is very satisfactory and I am completely immersed into it. Sometimes, however, it is really boring and I cannot help but to think 'When is this endless play going to end?' When I asked my friend what is going on, he told me that actors didn't have much time to read the script and went right into the rehearsal because of the time constrict. In order to prepare for a part in a play, I think it is essential to read the script thoroughly. It is because I would not be able to act convincingly unless I fully grasp the details in the script such as tensions between characters, commentaries written on the script, and others.


 After reading the script from cover to cover, I may be able to picture a character in my mind but it is not enough. Now, it is high time I learn how to speak and behave like a character. In my middle school years, I had a chance to take a part in a play called 'The Taming of the Shrew'. I was given a role of Grumio, a personal servant of one of the main characters. Since I have never been and seen an actual servant before in my life, I was completely lost. To play a role of a servant, I watched movies depicting servants in that time period. Then, I practiced talking and acting like a servant in everyday life with the consent of friends and family members. Thanks to utmost effort I have put into, I was able to perform successfully.


 Once reading the script thoroughly and struggle to be in a character, all that is left for me is to rehearse as many times as possible. Different from a movie, there is no editing in a play. I need to connect with the audience at the moment and act as convincingly as possible so that they can be immersed into a play. Also, I may forget a line or fall down on a stage during the play. These incidents can happen to everyone, even the most experienced actors and actresses. The difference, however, is the way they react to those mistakes. They proceed with the play so naturally that audience forgets about it instantly and is able to go back to the play. I would try to rehearse as many times as possible so that I would know how to respond to those mistakes and proceed without distracting the audience like the experienced actors and actresses.


 Full understanding of the script, being in a character, and countless rehearses are critical in order to prepare for a part in a play. It would lead you to become a better actor or actress. Also, when you impeccably completed all three steps of preparation, you might be able to experience the ecstasy of becoming totally different person and receiving standing ovation when the play ends. Don't you get excited just by thinking about it?

What makes Mt. Baekdu erupt?

200401110 Sangseek Min

27. June. 2010

What makes Mt. Baekdu erupt?


Mt. Baekdu is the 2,744 meter volcano on the border between China and North Korea. I encountered a shocking article in the newspaper about Mt. Baekdu a few days ago. The article has warned of the possibility of a major eruption of Mt. Baekdu in the near future. As evidence of this, the height of Mt. Baekdu has grown nearly 10 centimeters since 2002. It is an indicator of a future eruption. Because an expanding magma pool is gradually pushing up the height of Mt. Baekdu. Here is how you can understand the eruption of Mt. Baekdu.



Do you know what is Pompeii? I have been interested in Pompeii after reading the book about a history of Pompeii. It was the volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii and killed thousands in 79 AD. A huge cloud of volcanic gas and ash covered the city and burning rocks fell on the city of Pompeii. If Mt. Baekdu goes to the eruption, a similar case like Pompeii will happen? And then, we have to know what is a volcano to prepare for volcanic eruptions.



In highschool, I learned that a volcano is an opening in the earth's surface which allows magma, ash and gases to escape from below the surface. My science teacher said that the magma is formed when the heat and pressure in the earth melts the rock. When the magma comes out of the volcano, it is called lava. Namely, lava is the very hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano. And my science teacher always said that lava is very dangerous. Because it is able to melt all things.



Have you seen the scene that a volcano erupt? Maybe you might watch the picture on National Geographic. By the way, what makes a volcano erupt? Fortunately, I found good informations about the volcanic eruption on internet. According to the internet site, the pressure under the earth is usually caused by tectonic plates. But the magma pressure is from a heat source. It comes from natural radioactive decay within the Earth. The increasing pressure pushes the magma topside. In other words it is the eruption of a volcano. And the magma pressure can get high if magma is sitting around in the magma chamber within the volcano. This is because as the magma in the chamber starts to cool off, it releases gases. These gases can increase the pressure until the volcano fractures.



I watched a hollywood disaster movie 'Volcano' when I was a middle school student. The film about a volcano eruption in downtown Los Angeles made me scared. And It gave me a certain curiosity about a volcano. So I could perceive the truth that the volcano is a terrible disaster. Mt. Baekdu eruption also is going to destroy everything near the volcano. And it will make people who live near the border of North Korea unhappy. Therefore we have to seek a reasonable solution to provide against emergencies about eruption. because coming Mt. Baekdu eruption is going to be the similar to the previous massive one 1,000 years ago. The consequences could be 1,000 times the recent Iceland eruption.

2nd draft-Mt. Baekdu has Become Active Again

Song Minhee (200804046)                            

Professor Jon

English Writing  

23 June 2010

Mt. Baekdu has Become Active Again

Do you remember when the skies of Europe were crowded by thick clouds of ash? It seems as if sky blacked out could happen to me soon. As I have read in the newspapers recently, Mt. Baekdu stands a chance of erupting in four or five years. Prof. Yoon Sunghyo said that Mt. Baekdu eruption would be more destructive than Iceland. That's why I'm going to tell you how volcano erupts and its aftermath.

How does a volcano act and erupt? First, a volcano makes something called magma from melted rock. The magma goes through a circulation. It has to form at the bottom of the volcano and then start its way up the main vent, a hole that is in the volcano and when the volcano is ready to erupt, the lava is at the top of the main vent. The magma goes up the main vent slowly while it is still getting hotter. When the magma is about half way up the main vent it turns into lava, a very hot liquid which burns the remaining rocks from the magma. The lava slowly continues up the main vent. While going up the lava continues to get hotter and hotter. Ash and rocks are collected and the lava is getting hotter and hotter while the lava is continuing its way up the main vent. When the lava is at the top of the main vent the volcano erupts. The lava blasts out of the volcano along with ash, rocks, and a cloud of dust that is very thick. The ash and rock crumble to the ground, but the lava is either moving down the volcano side very slowly or at a high speed. Volcanoes can damage themselves in the explosion. A volcano literally blows its top off. All this could happen in Mt. Baekdu as well. If the threaten become a reality, how many countries it will have effects on?

A weather seminar held late June and Prof. Yoon Sunghyo posed the treat about Mt. Baekdu eruption there. According to his research, when Mt. Baekdu would explode again as it did a thousand ago, the most constructive eruption could be susceptible in terms of outperforming Iceland eruption. And then China would be most damaged, followed by North Korea, Russia, and Japan which suffer from it directly.

The following is what the eruption will affect our country. I can't help pointing out an aftermath of Korea. It seems that South Korea would definitely be under the disaster because ashes will permeate eastward as well as southward. Even though raining could help to precipitate them in the summer, there will be two successive side effects. The first side effect is that ashes would mainly responsible for air pollution. Following this, we would suffer from breathing difficulties.

Taken together, I introduced process of a volcano's activity to you. On this, I showed you the problems related with available eruption of Mount Baekdu. So do you agree with my opinion concerning the threat to burst? And do you begin to pay attention to the re-active mountain? I think it's time to keep our eyes on it.                    


My second draft


How would you prepare a part in a play?

                                                                                    Hyunmin Lee


What makes good acting? Maybe lots of people think that the answer is natural-born ability. Then what is natural born ability?. Appealing voice and appearance, or sense of understanding character is considered as that ability. Everyone wants to get these gifts. So do I. But, actually, I know that I don't have it. So, instead of relying on my ordinary ability, I make my own strategy. That is spending more time on analyzing script and practicing. The more practicing is the better. If you are not a natural born actor like me, consider adopting following three steps.


First of all, read script as many times as possible. Before you start to analyze your character, you have to understand script first. Without full understanding of script, analyzing character is meaningless. That's because character is a part of story and its thinking and behavior is totally based on the story. So, try to read the script many times, more than 4 times, and question when, where, why for every event in the story. As you do so, you can find what that character is meaning for in entire story, and you can also find the background of appearing of the character in that story.


Now, second step that you have to do is analyze character itself. The good acting that I think is to get rid of barrier between character and actor. And to do so, actor should analyze character in detail. To begin with, analyze from external factor to internal factor. How the author describes that character's appearance? And how is their fashion and hair style? Those external factors can be good hint to understand the character, Furthermore, you should examine dialogues and behavior, which show character's personality. And you should consider their way of talking, language use, voice tone and emotion, too. As you analyze more specifically, you can express the character better.


Finally, the last step is practicing. "Practice makes perfect" is the saying that you should keep in mind, when you prepare. Through last two steps, you may know how to express that character. But that is not all. Actually what you should do in the stage is to express that character naturally. Reading aloud the dialogues is good for making natural acting .Because it helps you to be able to do conversation like acting. And practicing in a real stage is also needed not to be nervous in a real performance. If you can control nervous, you can do better in the stage.


Preparing a part in a play is not difficult at all. Even though you're not a talented actor, you can be good at it. The answer is trying your best to analyze the character and practice a lot. These are so-called magical steps. If you want to do well in your stage, try to follow these magical steps.

My 2nd Draft_1st assignment - by.200803183 TH 정지희

 Subject :  How are laws made in your native country?






Do you know what happened on Wednesday three weeks ago in Korea? It was a formal holiday temporarily. Why? It was the Local Council Election. This day, we elected for members of local council who represent our opinion. It is similar with the National Assembly which makes laws in our country, Korea. Once, you may wonder how to constitute our laws that regulate our doings. I will explain you how laws are being made in our native country, Korea. There are two ways to make laws. The laws are enacted by Administration or National Assembly under the Constitution. When people feel needs of new act, they require it by many ways. So, in congress, it is discussed whether the laws are needed or not and ways to make it. And then, the Act is made, it will be proclaimed.



The government can require legislating because they often feel necessity of new law's appearance and Constitution empower them the right. First, when the responsible divisions feel necessity of new act, they write draft and discuss it with involved departments. Next, they turned it in the office of legislation, the cabinet conference and president in order. Finally, when the act is passed by assembly, it leaves the last progress that President claims the new act. And then, after few days, it will work.



When congressman prepares the legislating, in the past, he generally wrote draft of it by himself or asked to expert. Naturally, only Congress has lawmaking power because they are representative of the public, But, the more complex and the more globalize the society is, the judiciary committee take chare of the many parts and many congressmen demand helps of it. The formal processes are below.



At first, when a member of the national assembly proposes a bill, he must earn the agreement of more than 10 congressmen by due process of the national assembly law. Second, Introduced bill is judged by committee in congress. And then, it will be sent to a plenary session. Lastly, if it is passed, it will have effect after president's agreement and announcement. Unless president approves the act, it can be back to the assembly and must follow the same progress.



 Under the constitution, we have formal procedure to enact the bills. Lawmaking is very important so that it is complex. The legislation can be done by both administration and assembly. As you know, both of them have many discussions and evaluations and legislating is not easy process. In democracy society, we elect our representatives directly so that lawmaking course is not far from us. So we'd better be interested in the procedure and voting our congressmen. Keep in mind that these concerning makes us protect our rights as a citizen..



200901747 Shin Myungchul Second Draft.

200901747 Shin Myungchul Second Draft.


  volcanic eruption has always been a threat to human being, whether in ancient times or in modern times. For example,
in A.D. 79, Mt. Vesuvius located in Italy erupted and erased Pompeii out of the map. And a couple of month before, a
volcanic eruption in Iceland halted hundreds of thousands of flight schedule. How come this magnificant power can be
exhaled from earth? Volcanic eruption is mainly due to fluctation of earth.
   Almost all causes of volcanic eruptions are natural. Mantle, which bolsters crest is a liquified solid materials flows
beneath earth, and this combination of mantle and crest is plate. Since these plates slowly move, they eventually collide
with each other and in the process they makes strong shaking which is earthquake. Earthquake gives pressure to
magma beneath the crest, and suppressed magma finds way to get out. So, fragile part of the crest is crashed by
magma and magma start to burst out. This is the most common mechanism of volcanic eruption.
   As well as plate fluctation, some other natural factors can be a fuse of volcanic eruption. For instance, some scientists
suggest a theory that the global warming is a cause of Iceland volcanic eruption. Meltdown of glaciers due to warm
climate lowers the pressure to magma, which can make eruption more easier. Flooding can be a cause for eruption.
Merapi Volcano, located in Indonesia bursted because of the heavy flood.
   Human being can also provoke eruption. Lusi volcano, also in Indonesia erupted on March, 2006 and reseachers are
pointing fingers at reckless gas mining. Cracks of the underground gas pipe led to a leaking of gas and that accident is
said to be a culprit of eruption.
   In short, Volcanic eruption can derived by three factors. Natural and most popular cause of magma burst and other
natural causes which is relatively rare. And most important, man- made causes. Of course, volcanic eruption is a tragic
calamity. That much is clear. In order to tackle those problems, some ideas can be suggested. To successfully reduce
the aftermath of eruption, preparations is needed. For natural cause, well-organised warning system based on thorough
speculation should always be at service any time. And for man-made cause, drastic prior examination for exploitation
must be needed. Since volcanic eruption is such an gigantic disaster which can not be prevented, complete provision is
impossible. Instead, lessen the impact of volcanic eruption is surely possible. Handling the volcanic eruption can save
millions of fortune and lives, so nothing is more important than this sublime work.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

THis is first draft

How would you prepare for a part in a play?


Academic Writing, June 23, 2010


Kim Hyunju



Is it too embarrassing to wear only lingerie with exaggerated make-up in front of many people? It was the exact description of my character, Kelly, in high school play. She was the one who have a lot of skepticism and pursue pleasure without any hope. The only thing she enjoyed is badmouthing people and her teeth were off-white from smoking. As receiving warm applause from classmates, I realized that it is important to understand character, express their personality, and take a lot of practice.



The first step to live a role in a play is to understand the character. When I read the script of the play for the first time, it was hard to understand her behavior, appearance, and the way to speak. She was the opposite kind of person that I can’t understand: no aspiration and no optimism. I read the script again and again to understand her. Since her background told me a lot about a formation of her personality, it was really helpful. Then, I tried to put myself in her shoes. At least, I could understand her better, although it was not a complete comprehension.



Next, I should choose clothe and props to express her personality. Then, should I really wear lingerie and smoke cigarette as the script said? I choose red velvet skirt than lingerie. Instead of cigarette, I chewed gum and held folding fan. To express her personality, it was inevitable to rouge largely on my lips and put red blusher on my cheeks. When I appeared on the stage, classmates went mad with excitement. And then, I changed my lines and said, “As a decent girl, how could I wear only lingerie in front of you, right? Do you like my outfit and make-up?”



Final step is the most difficult part to prepare for a part. That is practice. I surely remember not only my lines but also other character’s lines, just in case he or she forgot. Then, I particularly practiced delivering clearly my lines. Even if I dressed up and was cream up performance, if audience could not understand what I was saying, it would not be regarded as a good acting. After I do the whole steps, I could clearly convey my lines without hesitating in front of audience.



Through the play, I got a precious lesson in my life: understanding, expressing, and practicing. These rules involve in not only a play but also everything in our lives such as study, family, and love. By following rules, I have achieved many things which seem to be difficult to get.  


Friday, June 25, 2010

 What makes a volcano erupt?
2nd draft 200503193 Sungkyoung Cho
     The eruption of volcano makes everything burst into flame. According to a myth or fairy tales the ancient people regarded a volcano eruption as the anger of the god. Whenever the explosion occurred, people reckoned the god wanted to punish them. However the real cause is just natural reaction among elements under the earth, as everybody knows.

     The most common cause of the eruption is high-pressure.The pressure is essential element for the volcano eruption because magma has massive gas, so it can be easily gushed out only if it has enough stress which is come from common friction. While the oceanic crust is going into continental crust, friction occurs and then the friction generates extreme pressure. This procedure usually happens in a volcanic belt such as the ring of fire in the Pacific Ocean.
     Next, there is a special case that causes the the eruption; It is the earthquake. No every earthquake is cause of the spouting of magma. If the earthquake occurs on the plate which is not strong, the earthquake becomes a factor of the burst. When the plates bump each other by shaking, it generates high temperature as well as high pressure. Finally the volcano erupts because the magma is changed into fluid which is usually solid in the low temperature.
     The last factor is the rarest one; It's global warming. The catastrophe of Iceland is a good example.I already explained high pressure is one of factors above, conversely low pressure was the factor of the eruption of Iceland. Originally a huge glacier had pushed a volcanic strata for a long time, but the glacier melt out fast and magma's formation activated. A few years ago some scientist established theory that global warming stimulates volcano eruption, yet nobody didn't care about it till Iceland erupted. If somebody had listened it carefully, Iceland could have prepared the calamity.
     Nowadays,people find out those factors; pressure and heat. In addition, they established a number of theories about volcano like global warming theory. Even though people study factors of  the volcano eruption, it is impossible to stop or remove them and the geographers cannot estimate everything either. Thinking how powerless we are in front of natural itself, I thought the ancient people might be right in a way.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is my second draft - assignment 1

Name : Jung Jaehoon

Date : 24. 6. 10

Second draft

How are Laws Made in Korea


        Have you ever heard about the revised Sejong city law? Now in Korea, members of the National Assembly’s most difficult problem is the revised Sejong city law. It will be the hottest issue in this session of the National Assembly, because the government party could not reach the majority. Weather the law will be passed or not, it'll change the life style of Sejong city's people. If laws were made or amended, our life would be changed. Then, I'll give you one question. Do you know that how are the Korean laws made? I want to write about it for people who don't know how the Korean laws are made.


        First of all, laws are introduced to the National Assembly in three ways. One thing is that laws are introduced by members of the National Assembly. This is most well known way to introduce the law. However, laws cannot be introduced by one member of the National Assembly. When they introduce laws they need over the 20 member's signature. Other way is that laws are introduced by the government administrations. Since, the government administrations know well what sort of laws need in our society. Furthermore, this way is most common to introduce laws in Korea. Last thing is that laws are introduced by the Blue House. The president of Korea can introduce laws to the National Assembly. This is the only way to introduce the law by one person. Accordingly, there are three ways to introduce laws to the National Assembly in Korea.


        Next, laws that be introduced in three ways need to be passed by members of the National Assembly. Members of the National Assembly have to join one of the National Assembly Committee. Then, members of the committee evaluate laws that belong to their committee. Most of laws are revised by them at this process, because members of the committee who the government party and the opposite parties could have different opinions of each laws. However, laws passed by members of the committee could be rejected, since the whole members of the National Committee could have different opinions on each law, even their party agreed with those laws. Furthermore, even if laws passed the National Assembly Committee, it should be passed by a majority vote. Therefore, every law needs the agreement of the members of the National Assembly.


        Lastly, laws need the president's signature. Even, laws are passed by the National Assembly it could not be effective in Korea without his signature. In this time, he can deny laws. In fact, most of laws will be signed by the president. If he denied signing laws, it would be sent back to the National Assembly. As a result, laws have to be signed by the president.


        The Korean laws are made in three steps. First of all, laws are introduced by members of the National Assembly, the government administrators or the president of Korea. Then, laws need to be passed by the National Committee and a majority votes. Finally, it needs the signature of the president. As I have shown, Korea's laws need these three steps.